Information brokers and the use of budgetary and financial information by politicians: the case of Portugal Susana Jorge Hot
Uploaded by Susana Jorge     Uploaded date: December 29, 2016    
Publication date
September 22, 2016
Paper language
This paper analyses the intermediary role of the technical bodies that support the
use of budgetary and financial information by central government politicians in
Portugal. The main findings show that information brokers are playing a central
role in preparing this information in a credible, simple and understandable way.
However, even if not intentionally, the information they present can be biased.
Politicians need to be aware that the information brokers they rely on may not be
giving them ‘neutral’ information.
Preferred Citation
JORGE, Susana; JESUS, Maria Antónia; NOGUEIRA, Sónia; «Information brokers and the use of budgetary and financial information by politicians: the case of Portugal»; Public Money and Management, Vol. 36(7), 2016, pp.515-520.
Central government; information brokers; information needs; politicians;
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