Governmental Accounting maturity towards IPSASs and the approximation to National Accounts in the European Union Susana Jorge Hot
Uploaded by Susana Jorge     Uploaded date: December 29, 2016    
Publication date
September 12, 2016
Paper language
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) are a good reference for a harmonized
microaccounting system allowing more transparency and quality in public sector
accounting across EU member-States. However, questions remain concerning IPSASs contribution
to the convergence between Governmental Accounting (GA) and the National
Accounts (NA). This article assess how the proximity to an IPSAS-based accounting system
in GA has impact on the diversity and materiality of GA-NA budgetary deficit/surplus adjustments,
hence analyzing whether IPSASs might contribute to GA-NA reconciliation. Main
findings show that IPSASs do not make considerable difference in terms of GA-NA adjustments,
so IPSASs-based EPSASs will hardly contribute to approaching GA-NA.
Preferred Citation
JORGE, Susana; JESUS, M. Antónia; LAUREANO, Raul; «Governmental Accounting maturity towards IPSASs and the approximation to National Accounts in the European Union», International Journal of Public Administration, Vol.39(12), 2016, pp.976-988
Adjustments; central government; deficit/surplus; governmental accounting; national accounts
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International Accounting / Accounting Harmonization
Type of Paper
Published paper

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